You know the stage where our children decide that they are going to dress themselves???....I think we are there!!!

With my first born, a girl, I had "Perfectly" chosen outfits, all beautiful and girly.....I changed her frequently and always made sure that she was adorable, hair combed, clean face and most residue on any clothing when we left the house. Not one piece of clothing was a "hand-me-down" or purchased at a consignment shop....boy how times have changed! I have to add that she has turned out to be the least fashion conscious 12 1/2 year old I have ever met!!!!!
Then there were the particularly anal, wore a tie to Kindergarten because he was "a professional now...", would not get in the car to go to my aunt's funeral because he shirt was not ironed, at the age of four!! Then one who is wild and all boy....could care less if anything matches...will wear anything if it "looks" clean...even if it is not his!
I think somewhere in the midst I caved under pressure....or grew up as a parent and decided that they are only clothes. I still get a little anxious about spills on clothes though...Every other parent in the world knows what "stage" you are in when your child chooses to leave the house like this.....

You should have seen the outfit put together for the next, she is either just an adorably stubborn soon-to-be three year old or she is the next rising star in the Indie design world. I can't decide, but I can dream......
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