As promised here is another story about a Tree. I know that you have been waiting so patiently...
First I want to show off a set of adorable Vintage brush trees that I picked up for The Princess's dollhouse. They are adorable if you ask me, but then again I bought them! They were even more adorable with there $2 price tag!! I plan to put them in the living room of her dollhouse. I must admit that I haven't even begun painting her dollhouse!! It might end up being a birthday present at the rate I am going now! I am almost done with the little house we are making for my cousin's son, but not so much for The Princess!
OK, Tree story.....This story is only funny if you think about that Christmas song where the people are all losing their cool. One guy is complaining about a hangover, another guy is losing it over tangled lights, etc. It is very tongue and cheek with plenty of Holiday frustration...I always laugh when I hear it or even think about it!
My parents divorced when I was VERY little so my mom was always trying to
make it on her own. She tried really hard! How we ended up with particular tree I couldn't begin to tell you?!? To be honest with you I don't remember even having trees at our house, house, when I was really little because we always went out and got the one at my Grandparents house! So truly, I don't even know why we ended up in this situation?? But year we had this tree...I don't know even know where the darn thing came from...? It was a pretty little tree. She had spent way too much money on these really beautiful ornaments and she was really working hard on the whole deal, know what I mean?
Everything started out really cute...a Mommy & Daughter moment if you will...but things quickly went downhill when she tried to get the tree to stand "straight" in that
dag-on little tree stand.
You know the ones...little red bowl with three green legs. They always seem ridiculously small compared to the overall size of the tree! It just wouldn't stay "straight"....she would get it in there and it would be fine for a few minutes and then when we turned our backs to get the ornaments would start leaning again. She would get it back in place and then...leaning again...
This went on for a few go-
arounds....I could see that my poor mom was on the brink. I thought she might lose it! When everything seemed to be "straight", we set out again to decorate! Thank goodness...we needed a break in the tension that was taking over our little tree moment!
We finished that without the tree leaning to the left or right during the entire decorating process!! Success!!! It was quite beautiful. We had a moment....
Then, in the blink of an eye.....TIMBER!!!!
The entire tree came down with one big Crash!! The crash was followed by a scream, a few choice words, and a few tears! Maybe more than a few tears!!
My poor mother officially lost her cookies.... Now, you might think this isn't such a funny story, but it really is....because at this point my mother
disappeared from the living room, glass ornaments crunchy beneath her feet, and set out to find "tools"!! I don't even know how long it took her to find the tools of her choice but before I knew it the tree had been NAILED to the wall. Yep, NAILED to the wall!! It happened so fast I couldn't believe it! I was stunned....I just remember thinking...."Uh-O..."
I remember sitting on our couch watching TV and only looking at the tree out of the corner of my eye, like I was afraid to make "eye contact" with the darn thing! Poor pathetic little tree with its random surviving ornaments....nailed to the wall!
At the time it wasn't so funny, but now....many years later we Laugh and Laugh about it. The most ironic part of it was the only "pretty" ornament that truly survived was a Clown, and we both hate clowns! I don't know why she bought those darn things!! She jinxed the tree....
Nice try
definitely gave us a memory to last a lifetime!!