Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tree's, Tree's more Tree's

"You call that a Christmas Tree??? "

A few days ago I was looking through old pictures..still working on the "handmade" Christmas gifts....I was trying to be creative with old photos. I came across quite a few pictures that had our trees in them....and I always thought the trees we had growing up were quite "perfect". However....looking back on them they were a little bit less than perfect. In fact, in the words of The Brain..."why would anyone cut that down...that looks like a bush, not a tree!! What were you guys thinking? Where do you find a tree like that??" But, I loved them. The Bigger the is one of the best parts of my childhood. Going out and getting a tree. HUGE memories associated with that!! Last night I read this post over at C jane and I started laughing so hard thinking about all of our tree stories, that I had tears running down my face!
The Christmas tree has so many memories associated with it. There is ALWAYS a "tree story" in the recall list of holiday moments/memories. I know we have had our fair share!! Growing up, we lived on a big huge farm that was COVERED in trees so we never needed a "tree lot". We would all load ourselves onto the back of my Uncles tractor flat bed and go out into the woods to look for the "perfect" Christmas tree. I have wonderful Norman Rockwell memories of such events. I am not going to lie...there were some "moments" between my uncles over what was really the perfect tree and how was "that" going to be cut down...that wouldn't make it into a Hallmark Movie! Lots of cursing you can see from the following pictures my idea of "perfect" might have been askew! We always wanted a very Full tree....I believe full is just the cover word for bush! Because truly, does that look like a Christmas tree to you?? A few examples of our "perfect tree".... and you know they always look smaller out there in the woods than in the house.

My mother in front of one of said "trees", she is in red

My grandfather being swallowed by the tree while he decorates...

My mother looking a little "tired" on Christmas morning. I think she is pregnant with me in this picture.

The Beauties first Christmas. Base housing....yuck!

UPDATE: As I am writing this The Brain just walked in and said "are you really going to post that picture?? That is a shrub, not a tree...that is a shrub from the wild!!"...He is mortified!

I loved those BIG FULL Trees!! That post last night coupled with the pictures of long ago reminded me of just how much. I am going to post some of my favorite Tree memories this week. Some of them are hysterical...stay tuned! I am off to look for the picture of our "first" tree as a married couple. I will never forget that one!! My poor husband had NO idea what he was really in store for all those years ago!

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