Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ahhh....I love my

Just kidding, I love them every day, but today I am feeling a little extra lovey!!They are a cute little bunch, have you ever met them?? They are my greatest accomplishment - my favorite Creation in this Crazy Place called Life. Before The Princess was born we used to laugh and say that we had the perfect combo...The Beauty, The Brains and The Brawn. Now we have the cute little Princess to complete our circle!

First we have The Beauty...

The Brains.....

The Brawn.....

And, lastly The Princess....

Pretty cute bunch, huh?? They each are so unique in their little personalities. The Princess is truly the boss and The Brains wants to be President, and I am pretty sure that it is going to happen. The Beauty is such a hard worker and awesome athlete...The Brawn, well he is stronger than any of us combined, and for as much of a fighter as he is, he is just as big of a lover.
They are all destined for greatness....
I know, I know, I am a little biased, but they are my story!!!
And my Great Big husband, well he is always working so there are not any pictures of him for you, at least none that I have on my camera! I have recently seen him on Utube and on CNN, but in the house...nope, lol. As important as that makes him sound...we really aren't! Just a hard working man in uniform! And, no....I never get tired of looking at him in his uniform!
Love to you all!!

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