Maybe that is not such a bad thing? Keep reading and you'll understand what I am saying... It took me a couple of days to see this myself.....
Over the past couple of days there have been quite a few ups and know the ones that make you think that this "Mom Gig is not quite as fun as I thought it would be".... My idea of being a Mommy was a little more along the lines of June Cleaver, not that of a NHL referee.
Some days I feel like all I am doing is breaking up fights and or dealing with a stubborn two year old...O YEAH...that's because I am!!
Yesterday I was thinking to myself..."I am raising a bunch of warriors! What is going on??!?! All they do is fight with each other...I didn't raise them this way" I even made them write 100 times that they would treat each other with respect!
Included in these past couple of days have been a few moments where The Brawn has been "hurt", not in the physical but in the emotional/spiritual sense. Sadly enough I must say, by adults....two examples for you; A customer refused to take a spoon from him because of his feeding tube, and then tonight which started off on a bad foot because, me - the "not" mom of the year forgot that it was Trick or Treat night at the Cub scouts meeting - costumes and I didn't make prior arrangements for there to be NON CANDY items available for him at each of the stations, which I would have if I had remembered....But I didn't so lets move on....FOCUS......An ADULT says to him at one of the stations..."Hey, what's that? Is it part of your costume??" As he kinda picks at it on his face. Uhhh, no idiot, it's not! But thanks for bringing some more attention to the tube running up his nose, we almost forgot it was there!! Ok...I didn't say that, but I did think it....and that is not nice on my part, but it hurts to see your little people hurt!!! I am better now...sorry.
Where is this going you ask???
My little warriors Rallied around their brother - silently - delicately - lovingly - they made their brother feel better about who he is and stood up strong for him when he wasn't feeling his inner strength. They didn't make a big deal out of the situations, they just did it....a hand on the shoulder, a simple conversation on the way home, just simple love for each other.
And Then.....There it was.....
I didn't see it at first, I didn't hear the voice telling me - there it is....look at them....they are fighting for "EACH OTHER". Thank you God, Thank you for my little warriors. I love them, each of them individually, all of them together....Thank you God.
I am not sure, but I think that I might have Created a few Loving, Compassionate little Warriors to live in this Crazy Place we Call Life!
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