Friday, December 28, 2007

Welcome, Check in, Chit Chat, and Enjoy the Crazy!

I must admit, I am not quite as tired as I thought I would be today after staying up till the wee hours of the morning.....but it is still early in the day. Well the baby is taking a nap, the other three have stopped running around like wild monkeys and I am creatively avoiding doing some long overdue housework. My husband has three pairs of clean underwear, I know this because I made sure that at least one load of laundry last night contained them, so I am good for at least another day or two! I have been working diligently on my craft/office/creating space for the past several days. I will post some before and after pictures later....the before pictures are REALLY SCARY!! So hang tight to your seat!!!

I must give credit where credit is due....I was inspired by an online buddy who sent out some pictures of her craft space and the organizing project she was starting.....when you see my "before" pictures you'll understand why I needed some inspiration!!

I am pretty novice to this "blogging" thing so it might take me a while to get all the pictures editing and lingo down, but I promise that it will be fun watching me try to figure it out as we (I) go along!!!

Off to make some coffee and finish a quick project!

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