Monday, July 13, 2009

Piles of Work

The Piles of work and stuff that crop up in my life seem to take on a life of their own. At times there are the Laundry piles, to be Filed piles, put this in so-and-so's room pile, call this person pile, and the list goes on and on....and on......but lately I have been growing piles of things I love...CREATIONS!!!
This lovely little pile contains a shawl that is almost complete. It just needs the edge finished on it, and the lovely orange there...that is a tube top in the making. A fun little project that involved re-purposing old tshirts, love it!
Some of my projects don't get completed before I move forward to another...I always come back to them, but sometimes I need a change of scenery. I work well this way..or so I tell myself!
And this pile...this pile makes me sooooo excited because that means that my garden is GROWING and feeding my family. It also means that I have some canning and freezing to do...

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