Sunday, September 6, 2009

Beautiful Stretch

We are having the most beautiful stretch of weather this past week. On top of the beautiful weather, we have had the most beautiful full moon all week! Yes, I said all has gone on for days...It has been UNBELIEVABLE!! So bright and beautiful!

This is by far one of my favorite times of are going to hear me say this every day for the next 3 months. If not every day, at least every other day!!!

We have enjoyed evening walks, outdoor movies and even an outdoor nap yesterday!! There was just enough chill in the evening air to put on a light sweatshirt!


I feel the need to harvest. Too bad we are all our vegetables this summer and didn't save any for canning. There is always the farmers market on Thursday evening, I can score some harvesting veggies there. Replenish my depleted pantry.

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