I have a weird fear - ridiculously -nonsensical (yes that is a word to me) - serious fear - of Squirrels. I know plenty of people who think they are just
soooo cute...but not me. Sometimes I think,
OK, maybe they are a little cute....and then I see them gnawing on a nut and I revert back to the fear thing.
How? or Why? You might be asking....simple..my mother did it...she made me terrified of them! She used to tell me that if I went to the edge of our yard, which was close to the corner of the main road in our neighborhood the squirrels would get me. They would bite me....there you have it...fear implanted in my young little brain!!
Yes, I know that I should be able to not be scared of a furry little creature, but lets face it. They can be frightening. We have all seen Chevy Chase's Christmas movie...that squirrel came flying out of that tree with vengeance! And what about those flying squirrels?? I have seen documentary film on them...they are flippen scary! What about how they run towards the road and then head back to the side and then back into the road...taunting you...are you going to swerve or are you going to hit me and if you hit me won't you feel horrible for the rest of the day!! And if you could see them running about in my back yard, up and down the trees...I promise you I actually saw one throw another off a tree! Promise you....
So why this rambling rant about squirrels??? Well this morning when I opened the blinds...there one was sitting right in front of me! Scared me to death!! Then one of the first Etsy shops I went to this morning...more squirrels...and another...squirrels!!!
I have to admit...I do think these little squirrels are pretty cute. I don't think I want to eat my
eggs out of them, but they are very cute.
And these might appear to be harmless....but look closely, they look a little mischievous...
I hope that
BROOKLNYrehab doesn't mind me showing you her cute little squirrels....maybe I need a little rehab over this squirrel thing!
And check this guy out...he is quite fetching, but I think you'll understand why he frightens me a bit! I mean, he is after all the King of Squirrels!!!